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Code for Construction of Building Anticorrosion
Engineering GB50212-2014 Participating Units

How to proceed with the construction technology process

Counts:4982023-07-25 16:14:10 Source: 河北中信防腐工程有限公司

As a company with 20 years of experience in anti-corrosion construction, Hebei Zhongxin Anticorrosion Company has always adhered to the company's business policy in the overall project, and has done a good job in every project. Today, we will share with everyone what we need to do first, in what order, and how to make high-quality anti-corrosion projects. First, before the start of anti-corrosion construction, As the construction party, we can provide the owner and supervisor with guidance on anti-corrosion construction planning for the project. And what are the specific technical processes involved in the construction process with the owner and others? Let's take a look together.
1. The anti-corrosion coating supporting form includes a list of the anti-corrosion material models, names, and colors used for different parts that require anti-corrosion treatment.
2. The product manual, construction instructions, construction technical parameters, and safety technical specifications of the provided anti-corrosion materials must have certificate labels.
3. How to take quality control measures and arrange quality inspection and control measures during the construction process. A record form should be adopted for key control points during surface treatment and construction processes.
4. Quality inspection measures for anti-corrosion coatings, including a list of testing instruments and equipment used and a quality acceptance record form.
5. Safety measures, safety is the primary focus of any project, including scaffolding installation, storage of anti-corrosion materials, equipment grounding, waste disposal, and so on.
A professional industrial water tank anti-corrosion treatment company. If you would like to know the engineering construction quotation, please contact us for the price
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